Uncovering the Artistic Story of Ellebanna

“I am a multidimensional artist with a great love for fantasy and an intense passion for both Costume & Performance.

My expertise in sculptural form, expressive movement, and imagination facilitates immersive experiences through visual art, music, silence, and awareness, creating space for embodiment. Having been born into a home of artists who supported and encouraged my expressive freedom, I too want to inspire others to freely feel and express their truths.

Throughout my life, I have been largely influenced by my surroundings, ambitions, and curiosity, seeking out fantasy, humor, and surrealism. Through my devotion, commitment, and diverse ensemble of dream-weaving talents, I create an authentic space where true magic naturally unfolds.”

“We go on journeys together and have created worlds that nobody else has seen”
“We go on journeys together and have created worlds that nobody else has seen”

where innovative costumes and evocative performances blur the lines between art and imagination.

As an internationally acclaimed costume performance artist, her work has garnered numerous awards, including the Cirque du Soleil Artisan Award in 2018.

She offers immersive experiences featuring highly inventive costumes and visual extravaganzas, blending experimental dance, costume design, art, music, and fantasy. Playful yet mysterious, her shows evoke deep emotions and wonder, reactivating imaginations and blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

For ellebannA, costume performance is where the costume and the performer become one, conveying a unique relationship, story, or message. She believes that when a performance can move someone both emotionally and visually, it creates a deeper connection with the audience.